Emerge Youth Conference in Vancouver
Do you know who you are? Do you know that you are chosen by the Lord and have a destiny in Christ? Do you want a break through in your life? To be set free from bondage and shackles?
Great news! The Emerge from team Forerunner Christian Church is coming to Vancouver!
From May 1 to May 3, we will be hosting an “Emerge Youth Conference.”
重磅好消息! 5月1-3日美國慕主Emerge將要來到溫哥華!
報名表 Registration
Times and dates: Friday, May 1 - Sunday, May 3
時間: 5月1-3日
5/1 晚堂 7pm
5/2 上午 10am 下午 2pm 晚堂 7pm
5/3 下午 2pm 和 晚堂 7pm
Place: Bread of Life Christian Church in Surrey
Registration fee: $150
(includes 3 meals: 5/2 lunch and dinner, 5/3 dinner)
費用: $150 (包括5/2午+晚餐和5/3晚餐)
Early Bird: $120 before April 15th.
早鳥價: $120 – 4/15止
Registration ends on April 25.
If you want an encounter with the Lord, if you are eager to have a breakthrough in your life and be set free from bondage, don’t miss this opportunity! Please mark your calendars and save the date for our Emerge Youth Conference.
Watch some testimonials from previous students:
1. Anne Chen見證
2. 千輔見證